65 y/o female patient with complaints of seizures

 This is an online e log book to discuss our patient de-identified health data shared after taking his / her / guardians signed informed consent. Here we discuss our individual patients problems through series of inputs from available global online community of experts with an aim to solve those patients clinical problem with collective current best evident based input.

I have been given this case to solve in an attempt to understand the topic of " patient clinical data analysis" to develop my competency in reading and comprehending clinical data including history, clinical findings, investigations and come up with diagnosis and treatment plan.

A 65yr old female resident of lingotum with history of seizures 

Chief complaints:-

The patient was brought with chief complaints of Active involuntary movements 5 days back, history of frothing , mouth deviation to left  uprolling eyeball ,no h/o of tongue bite, urinary incontinence, fever, head injury, vomitings, loose stools.


Patient was apparently asymptomatic 11 days back later she developed her first episode of seizure with sudden onset of movements in upper and lower limbs for 5 minutes.
The episode began with headache and dizziness, up-rolling of the eyes followed by loss of consciousness and uncontrolled involuntary movements of the arms and legs, clasping of the hands and deviation of the mouth to one side. She regained consciousness 5-10 minutes later in a confused state, with no memory of the episode. She was brought to the hospital by her son where she was prescribed levetiracetam and she left the day after.

Second episode began in the night time 5 days back (on 2/12/23) she had a second episode of seizure and also had complaints of headache dragging type pain radiating to neck . This was followed by up-rolling of the eyeballs loss of consciousness and sudden onset of involuntary movements,  frothing,  deviation of mouth towards left and confusion in postictal period.

No h/o episode of seizure activity after bringing her to the hospital.

no h/o of involuntary defecation

no h/o fever, cough, vomiting, loose stools, pain in abdomen.

Similar episode 11 days ago for which she visited a local hospital and got treated.
K/C/O hypertension since 18 years on medication 
Not a known case of DM/HTN/TB/Asthma/CVD/CAD


On treatment for hypertension since 18 years 

Personal History -

Appetite - Normal 
Diet - mixed 
Bowel and bladder movement are regular
Sleep adequate 
No addictions 

Family history - not relevant

General examination
Patient is conscious, coherent and cooperative 
Moderately built and nourished 
Icterus - Absent

Cyanosis - Absent

Clubbing - Absent

Lymphadenopathy - Absent

Pedal edema-absent


Tempurature - 98 F

Pulse- 78 bpm 

Blood pressure - 140/90 mm/hg

Respiratory rate - 18 cpm

CNS examination

Motor system
Bulk - no wasting of muscle 
Tone - normal 
Power grading - 
                       Right.          Left 
Upper limb       +5.              +5
Lower limb       +5.              +5

Reflexes - 
Biceps - normal 
Triceps - normal
Knee jerk present
Ankle jerk present

Sensory system - fine touch , crude touch , pain , temperature sensation are intact 

CVS examination


JVP not seen


S1 S2 heard , no murmurs 


chest is bilaterally symmetrical 

bilateral airway entry present

trachea - Central

no scars

Percussion:-Resonant in nine quadrants

Auscultation- Normal vesicular breath sounds heard


shape- scaphoid

no tenderness

liver not palpable

spleen not palpable


Glycated Hemoglobin

Lipid profile 

Fasting blood sugar 



Provisional diagnosis -
This is a case of 65 year old woman who came with complaint of abnormal movement of hands and limbs lasting for 5 mins preceded by headache suggestive of generalized tonic clinic seizure.
Inj. Levipil 500 mg IV 
Tab Clinidipine 18 mg OD 
Tab Shelcal 500mg OD
Tab  Neirobion Forte OD 


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